Tuesday, June 16, 2020

20 Harry Potter Spells That Every Potterhead Should Know

"Avada Kedavra"
And just like that, an era came to an end. 

Harry Potter has been and will always be one of my favourite series. The myriad of emotions, magic, friendships, relationships and an amazing world of fantasy, became a beautiful reality in our imagination. 

My most favourite thing about the magical universe of Harry Potter, were of course, the incredible spells. Especially being someone who's always tired, I remember shouting "ACCIO, BOOK" in my room one day, in hopes of the spell working. 

But sadly, we're all muggles. But what we could do, is practise these spells again and again, and continue to live in the dream of being in the magical universe of Harry Potter

Here are 20 important spells from Harry Potter that every Potterhead must know — 

And finally, the three unforgivable curses — 

So which ones did you know? Comment down below to let us know! 

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