Saturday, June 13, 2020

The Best 4 TV Shows to Binge-Watch During Quarantine

It's 2020 and the world is in disarray. While our essential and healthcare workers are in the front lines fighting the global pandemic, we, as citizens, must practice social distancing and stay in our houses. But social distancing doesn't have to be boring, is it? We're often so caught up in our lives that we forget to slow down and take a break for a while. So now since we're all on lockdown, I believe this is the perfect time to catch up on (or re-watch *wink wink*) four of the best sitcoms and series ever. I recommend — 

1) Friends

"Hey, How you doin?"

You didn't think that I'd pass up on an opportunity to recommend this gem, did you? Friends follows the lives of six individuals living in Manhattan and how they deal with their friendships, careers, relationships and day-to-day problems. I'm absolutely in love with each one of those six characters and I'm sure that you'll love them too. Also, it's theme song won't leave your head for days. P.S. — They were NOT on a break! 

2) The Office

"Sometimes I’ll start a sentence and I don’t even know where it’s going. I just hope I find it along the way.”

The name kinda sounds boring, doesn't it? But worry not because the show is undoubtedly a masterpiece. This show follows the lives of the employees of a paper company, Dunder Mifflin and is shot in a fantastic documentary fashion. My tip would be to watch at least more than one season before taking a decision to call it off. 

3) Brooklyn Nine-Nine

“Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool. No doubt, no doubt, no doubt.”

Let me just be bold and say that this is the most amazing show to ever grace the television. Brooklyn Nine Nine follows the lives of New York cops in the most amazing way possible. This show is full of wonderful comedy, adventure, friendships and diligence. It is a truly a sensation with incredible writing and each character is played by a extremely talented and dynamic actors. If you're still unsure about it, watch it for ANDY SAMBERG and you won't regret it, I promise! 

4) The Good Place

"Now we’re going to do the most human thing of all: attempt something futile with a ton of unearned confidence and fail spectacularly!"

I started watching The Good Place unsure of what to expect and the show proved to be something out of the world (literally!). The Good Place is basically a synonym of Heaven where 4 people find themselves after dying. They're ecstatic, shouldn't they be? I mean it's quite a big achievement to finally get eternal happiness. But things aren't quite what they seem. No spoilers but I love this concept and the twists which kept coming one after the other. 

So, these were the 4 Best Shows to watch and catch up on right now during the lockdown and to distract you from all the panic and negativity in the world right now. I'm sure you won't regret it! Have a few laughs. 

xoxo, Pop Notch. 

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